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Why this site?

I created this website to document anything I wanted to keep for future reference, and to give potential employers a little insight into how I think and operate.

Why now?

A few months ago, I made the decision to start out on a new path in my IT career. I have been doing Systems and Network Administration for well over 15 years and been troubleshooting and testing electronics for over 20 years. I always like to learn new things, but opportunities to do that in my current job were drying up. I started looking for something else I could get into that would be interesting and challenging to learn.
I'm excited to say that I finally found something that I think I'm especially well suited for: IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) Architecture. Specifically, I want to get into using tools like OpenStack to design and build clusters of virtual servers and storage that is fault tolerant and resilient to changing demands.
So, I decided to resign from my position and not renew my contract for another year. I'm now in the process of setting up a lab environment where I can learn to use the tools in this relatively new IT field.

What's here?

If you want to know more about me, and especially my career history, you can look through my resume. I'm also working on an "About" page that will be available soon.

You can also browse my posts which are classified with tags and categories to make things easier to find. I will be documenting what I learn and find as I get up to speed on using IaaS technologies.