So after thinking about the CSS and HTML design, I've realized all of the posts could be streamlined in to a few simpler views. While thinking about all of this, I was making notes like:
thinking of refactoring... URL routing should be? 1. /<category>/<post-slug/id/whatever> where <category> could be anything, but would be things like: article, note, link, post, research (if category is something like 'employment' (for the resume) then we'd need a way to order them. maybe category_order?) 2. /category would list categories, /tag would list tags /201402 could list what was posted in that month? so <category>/unique-slug is the main reference for a post, at /tag/ /date/ /category/ create lists of articles. So each post needs, at a minimum a category (categories?) and tags.
So here's what I'm going to do. Merge the Page and BlogPost db models into one Post(?) model. Add a category field to it. The main reference to a post will be the /<category>/<slug> URL with other ways to find posts via /categories/ /tags/ and /dates/
I'll still keep/expand the special models and routes for the resume section of the website.
For CSS/design, I'll use levels of
<site> <header> <site-nav> <page> <page-nav> <post> <post-header> <post-body> <post-comments>
in place of <post> there would be lists when trying to browse for a post using /categories/, /tags/, etc.
or something similar.